As mentioned on a previous blog, we have invested in a Gutter Vac for carrying out gutter clearouts. This has improved Health & Safety as we no longer require the use of ladders to carry out the job, and it also provides fantastic results!

a1As you can see in the photo above, the gutter vac sucks out every last bit of debris including water which is hard to remove if carrying out the job manually. Up until I purchased the Vac, I used the Pro Gutter Tools ( ) which are fantastic pieces of kit and something I will always have at hand, but you can only drag debris out manually up to a certain point, theres always going to be sand/silt/dry fine dirt in the base of the gutters that is impossible to pick up or drag out. The same goes for water lying in the bottom of the gutter. This is where the gutter vac allows you step up to the next level as you can actually suck the gutter dry.


Are your gutters looking as though they are sprouting a ‘gutter garden’? Can you see moss hanging over, or poking it’s ugly head out? Are you getting a cascading water effect when it rains? If so, don’t hesitate to get in touch for a free no obligation quote! 🙂


For any fellow window cleaners out there that are thinking of purchasing a gutter vac (or any other equipment), then I highly recommend the good man Lee Martin at Fantastic service at a very competitive price!